Contract Farming Agreements

Contract Farming Agreement

With many thousands of acres under agreements made and managed throughout the East Midlands, Mountjoy Rural has unrivalled experience to draw upon. Whatever the farm size, location or enterprise mix, I have possibly the widest experience of Contract Farming in the region. I personally led the introduction of Contract Farming into Lincolnshire in the early 1990’s adapting the concept for family and corporate farmers to benefit through agreements that embrace root and vegetable crops as well as cereals and livestock.

A free consultation will help you assess:

  • Whether contract farming is for you – important.
  • The financial implications – important.
  • And most importantly, how to find and engage the best Contractor/Manager.

Contract Farming works for tenants as well as landowners, and has been developed to be compliant with particular issues that may arise for Landlord or Tenants, Basic Payment Scheme, Stewardship Schemes, Her Majesty’s Revenue and succession planning.

I can also help to review existing agreements.

My advice is confidential and a free initial discussion is always valuable. You will find my advice to be straight forward and robust.

What Our Clients Say...

Always given good down to earth advice and had a reputation for common sense